Monday, October 21, 2019

Learning Team Executive Paper Essays

Learning Team Executive Paper Essays Learning Team Executive Paper Essay Learning Team Executive Paper Essay Modern day businesses such as Smith Systems Consulting face an enduring dilemma in making effective use of technology and maintaining successful communications with business clientele. In consideration of adapting client communications from a traditional newsletter to the applications of modern technology with Internet and electronic connections, Smith Systems Consulting contemplates the use of a wick page, blob, potash, or combination of some of these communication modalities. The following report and presentation is a review of the advantages and disadvantages of he wick, blob, and potash, the types of information that each modality can effectively convey, the startup and maintenance costs of each modality, how each user or client will experience each modality and how search engines will affect each modality in communications with Smith Systems Consulting. Advantages and Disadvantages Wick Advantages Keeping clients informed about company activities and new services is an excellent way of motivating the customer to add insight or suggestions he or she may have about what he or she expect or want in the way of services. Communicating via wick is on option the staff of Smith Systems Consulting is considering. Kohl and Bradshaw (2011) define wick A collaborative website whose content can be edited by anyone who has access to it (Para. 1). Ducking is one of several packages available that does not use a database instead it stores pages using plain text files (Kohl Bradshaw, 2011). Kohl and Bradshaw (2011) state, Given our requirement for ease AT setup Ana amelioration, ten lack AT a dataset NAS several advantages Including fewer software packages to track and make sure are up to date, and simpler creation ND restoration of backups (Para. 7). A wick uses minimal disk space and the lack of a database provides another advantage with an index for fast searching (Kohl Bradshaw, 2011). Wick Disadvantages A person who has access to a wick can edit the content of the information. A person who may have an issue with the company may change the content in an attempt to hurt or discredit the company. Kohl and Bradshaw (2011) state, While the validity and accuracy of material contained within wise can be controversial, we have not had a single episode of malicious or improper editing over the 3 years the ski has been in place (Para. 1). Blob Advantages and Disadvantages Blob Advantages Wang and Hong-He (2006) state, As many practitioners suggest, a corporate blob might be defined as a web site where an organization publishes and manages content to attain its goals (Para. 2). Some advantages off blob is the information is coming from within the company. Blobbing is one way to establish open communication with the customer. Companies should be truthful in blobs because they are relating information to the customer. The information stated in a blob varies, depending on the employee who writes the blob. The different strategies to blobbing include top-down blobbing, or bottom-up blobbing. Top-down blobbing occurs when employees holding management or top executive positions control the information by focusing on leadership and promotion content. Bottom-up blobbing focuses more on product development and customer service (Wang and Hong-He, 2006). The employees who write blobs potentially connect with customers creating a relationship with them. Blob Disadvantages Companies govern what they determine as appropriate or inappropriate. Companies will fire employees if the deem the blob inappropriate. Usually management will see the blob after the employee posts the blob, and before management determines the blob inappropriate. Wang and Hong-He (2006) notes, A Microsoft contractor was fired after he posted pictures of Apple GO computers being unloaded at Microsoft (Para. 9). Personal blobs that mention a person s place of employment is also subject to the company s view of inappropriate (Wang and Hong-He, 2006). Potash Advantages and Disadvantages Potash Advantages Buckskin (2008) states, Bedposts, a hot technology trend, are digital files of audio and/or video comment made available on the Internet, intended to be listened to on either a computer or portable media player (I. E. , pod) (2006). People can download a potash and take it with them on their pod, cellular phone, laptop, or any device that can play an audio or digital file. People may listen to the potash at their convenience. A visually impaired person will benefit from the potash and receive information they otherwise would not have access to. Potash Disadvantages One disadvantage to a potash may be the retrieval of a potash by the individual. People who do not visit the website may find the potash on the Internet using key words or phrases. Two ways to search for a potash is by metadata that includes a title and description or by audio content that uses Audio Speech Recognition (CARS) technology (Serer, Larson, Woman, 2010). Serer, Larson, Ana Woman ( note, In sum both metadata and speech recognition transcripts are sources of indexing features that can be used for potash retrieval, but both suffer from noise in the form of omissions and errors (Para. 3). Combination of Modalities After viewing the advantages and disadvantages of wicks, blobs, and bedposts, a combination of methods may work well for Smith Systems Consulting. Blobs help arm a connection with the customer. Floggers should provide information from opposing sides without adding personal comments or opinions. Focus should remain on the company and what it can do for the customer. Bedposts are convenient for people to listen to when they have a spare moment. Bedposts should have a link from the company website. People with visual impairment will appreciate the alternate form of receiving information they otherwise may not receive. Types of Content for Each Modality All three types of information sources, the wick, blob, and potash effectively share information to intended audiences. However, each type of modality holds an intentional purpose for the information and offers options and restrictions of the information depending on the modality of choice. Wise A wick is an editable modality source of information and is used by many businesses in various capacities. For example, the Educate Learning Initiative (2005), defines a wick as a web page that can be viewed and modified by anybody with a Web browser and access to the Internet (Para. ). The essential purpose of a wick is to create a site of sharing information with others possessing similar interests or goals. Wise encourage group collaboration with asynchronous communication through the Internet (Educate Learning Initiative, 2005). According to Educate Learning Initiative (2005), Allowing everyday users to create and edit any page in a Web site Encourages d emocratic use of the Web and promotes content composition by unintentional users (Para. 3). Wise are used to share many different types of information. According to Clark and Stewart (2010), for businesses, wise serve many purposes including sharing best practices, mapping networks of experts into communities of practice, building databases that facilitate a better understanding of customers and consumers, and serving as collective to-do lists and project tracking. Blobs Similar to a wick, a blob is source of information found on the Internet, but a blob cannot be edited by any person other than the blob owner or other designated person that has been given administrative rights. According to Aching and Whish (201 1), a blob is known as a frequently edited webbing whose main use is recording individual articles and displaying them in chronological order. There are typically four popular categories for using blobs to communicate important information. The categories include personal, topical, individual, and community. Personal and individual blobs hold and share personal information similar to a personal Journal or log book. Topical blobs are written by authors that desire to share specific points of information in consideration of a certain topic. Community blobs are a great way to post and share information about communities that is specific to the desired audience. Blobs are much simpler than traditional websites, such as a news web site, whose purpose is to share information. Blob typically hold a single page of dated entries, are lasted In reverse-campanological order, putridly accolades, Ana come Trot a single author (Hookworms, Inc. 2012). Blobs are also similar to a public declaration of a stream-of-consciousness with no particular order (Hookworms, Inc. , 2012). Bedposts As a source of current and trending information, bedposts are on the rise in popularity of being an interesting and convenient way to share and absorb information. Bedposts are relatively new in the world of technology and the publication of important information, but they are greatly influencing how audiences consume and interact with media content (Haggard, 2007). Bedposts in both video and audio formats impart many different types of information comprised of sporting tankards, politics, instructional, and diverse entertainment selections. According to Haggard (2007), Bedposts, defined as digital files containing audio or video content, allow consumers to both time-shift and place-shift their listening and viewing habits through the downloading of content onto a personal computer or a portable media player for immediate or future viewing (p. 518). The true appeal of potash transpires through the element of consumer control (Haggard, 2007). The choice of resources found in bedposts grows exponentially each year as the market and interests increase in this adaptive source of information. Costs of Each Modality Cost of Wick Server software includes a four-step set up process, installing and configuring an PH compatible server, PH, and ducking software and integrating with the existing infrastructure that used less than 18 person hours (Kohl Bradshaw, 2011). The wick showed minimal change in performance after increasing the Pentium II processor with 256 MBA of RAM to a Quad-Core Xenon BIB of RAM, and from a 20 KGB hard drive to a 60 KGB RAID-I hard drive (Kohl Bradshaw, 2011). The running cost of a ducking is relatively low because of the minimal hardware requirements. Cost of Blobbing The start-up cost of blobbing is minimal because companies already have computers. Blobbing does not require any software. Blobbing eliminates the cost to produce brochures, flyers, or newsletters that will save the company money. When asked if a company should hire lawyers because of potential legal issues of blobbing, In America, because of the First Amendment and cultural expectations around that, there are relatively few problems with legally expressing ones opinion, which is not necessarily the case in England and Europe (10 questions with, 2005, Para. 20). With he exception of a few high-profile cases most floggers will not have legal concerns (10 questions with, 2005). Cost of Potash Using a potash to deliver information to the public is cost-efficient, according to an article written by Copley (2007) This paper describes a simple, cost-effective and file size-efficient method for producing video bedposts combining lecture slides and audio without a requirement for any specialist software (Para. 1). The company budget that includes maintenance cost should not increase if the company implements the use of a wick, blob, or a potash. Upgrading computer hardware and footwear is in the budget no additional cost is unforeseen because of the result implementing any combination of the three modalities. User Experience The three different types of modalities that Smith Systems Consulting will be comparing is wick, a blob, and a pod cast. Each modality will give the users a different experience. Wick is a website that allows the editing and creation of multiple interlinked web pages by using a web browser. Often the wick websites power community websites that can be used for corporate intranet and knowledge management systems. The best example of a wick website is Wisped. The page lets all of the users edit any portion of the site and create new pages for the site. The wick sites are very interactive for the users and promote the ongoing creation and collaboration of the users. The wick is great for using because after making the updates by the users they appear almost instantaneously. The best characteristic about the wick pages is the ease of creation and updating as well as ease in browsing them. A markup language such as wackiest allows the structuring and formatting of the pages. The style of the waxiest can vary depending on the need of the wick site. Most wise are using what you see is what you get editing which is usually Javascript or Active control, which translates graphically after entering formatting instructions. Most wick pages keep a record of the changes made so that the author can go back to previously edited versions of the wick and revert to them. This is to prevent a mistake from changing the content of the wick page. The wick pages also give an edit summary once making all the changes in order to track all of the changes and make the system more user- friendly. Blobs A blob is a type of website or can also be part off website. An individual tends to maintain the blob as a sort of commentary. Posts of the entries are generally in reverse-chronological order. Many blobs are interactive allowing people who visit the website to leave messages making it interactive to the users. The ability to be interactive distinguishes a blob site from other websites that are not interactive and that are static. Blob sites allow users to create running conversations with threads of conversation. Threads are messages that interconnect on a virtual pinup board. Sites like Twitter allow a person to post thoughts with a mass amount of people in a worth amount of time, faster than email or other forms of communication. Blobs give the user the ability to post and the follower to post as well. It is an interactive way to communicate between the people using it. Bedposts A potash is a webmaster that is not streamed and is usually a series of digital media files. Bedposts are a different experience compared to the other modalities. Bedposts are a direct download or streamed web casting. Maintaining and housing all of the video files are within a server as a web feed. Each person that can access the feed can check it for updates and download any new files that are contained in the series. Unlike the other two types of modalities, pod casts are not interactive for the viewer. It is a read only basis. With a blob or a wick page, the viewer can add information or opinions, but with a potash, only the original creator can make changes. This format is very rigid for the viewer. This is also a more secure form of communication since viewers cannot change the material. Search Engine Effects of Each Modality Search engines provide a way for the people to easily search and find information posted within each modality. A search can be conducted to find information from a reword, phrase, or a Boolean search that pieces together words that may be contained within the search results. Users can search news article, update information, images, videos, or references. Whether that information is broadcast via potash, posted onto a WICK, wrote auto In someones Log, or peeve. Search engine will not give the information to users directly, it does help them search and find specific topics that are available. Each search engine may yield different results. So tagged words within the title or the topic for each modality and can be used to narrow the search to find the specific topic and subject matter related to the epic. Wise The vast amount of information being produce and knowledge being gained, collaborative learning communities can be formed. A wick allows that community of users to post, edit, and share information through the use of a web browser. Links within a wick can redirect users through highlighted words and subjects that have been clicked. This method limits the use of a search engine while related topics can still be found. Bedposts Bedposts can be digital audio or video files that are distributed over the Internet. Traditional search engines can find the potash but is also cluttered with text and there information that blocks users from specifically finding potash. Potash search engines are made specifically to search the Web for potash. Potash that use a tagging or rating system makes those specific potash stand out more or appear higher in the search results. But, knowing what the subject matter is of the potash makes finding the one wanted more difficult. Short descriptions may not show what the potash is specifically about or if it is the correct one that was being searched. Some search engines may also be able to use speech recognition to determine if the content contained within is relevant to the search criteria. Snippets of resulting potash being played, give a clearer understanding of the subject matter of the potash. Blobs Blobs can be authored by individuals or collaborative groups like wise except visitors cannot edit the information posted on there. A blob usually contains posts that are listed in reverse chronological order and can archive older post. Each page for a blob has its own URL, so knowing the URL makes it easier to find the specific blob. Each individual page can also contain links to organizational content. Visitors to blobs can leave comments about the blobs further expand the conversation while providing arsenal opinions about the subject and ideas. IRS allows user to subscribe to each modality of communication whether it is a wick, blob, or potash. Subscribing to each or either modality lets users and visitors to receive the most recent post of each. Search engines find publicly listed information out in the world. Wise, blobs, and potash are subject to include false information or vandalism from any users or visitors. Promoting the use of a closed environment, limits who is allowed to change information, who can post, and who can comment. Administrators give rights to users or visitor to change and post information. Checks who is able to register to the web site. Conclusion The plethora of useful information in the previous passages provide an excellent foundation for which Smith Systems Consulting can use in order to overcome the current dilemma of choosing the most effective modality to keep in touch with business clients. Transitioning from the traditional newsletter to either the wick, blob or potash modalities can be easier with the aforementioned details; especially with the newfound knowledge of how users experience each modality and the importance AT a search engine. Knowing ten advantages Ana Lastingness Ana ten types AT information each modality can effectively convey are vital to any company making such important planning decisions. Team recommendations along with startup, maintenance, and opportunity costs also assist in Smith Systems Consulting planning process.

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