Friday, October 18, 2019

Anne Frank - The Diary of a Young Girl Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Anne Frank - The Diary of a Young Girl - Essay Example Anne Frank is a mundane teenager going through the happenings, events, and feelings that all teenagers go through, yet she is going through them while Amsterdam, Holland is being involved in the Holocaust. The main concept of the journal, however, is Anne keeping track of everything that she does go through while her family is in hiding. She makes notes of the changes that she is going through as a teenager, and how she believes that these changes are separating her from her family – mentally and emotionally. As aforementioned, the journal had been intended as a release for a teenager going through everyday strife, confusion, and emotions that she does not understand. Unfortunately, as the effects of the Holocaust nears Anne’s home in Holland, her journal entries become tainted by the events of the war and of the persecution of the Jews. Anne confides into her journal the worries that she has for the people that she is close to – she knows that many of them have been taken to concentration camps, and she fears for the day that her family is taken in. She becomes overly emotional when she talks about the different rights that were taken away from her, the rights that constituted her as a teenager. She was no longer allowed to ride her bike during certain times, and she had to wear a yellow star on her clothes, so that the soldiers would know if she was breaking any of the rules laid down for the Jews. Her journal entries become more disconcerted as things worsen for her family and the other families that they are in hiding with. It is clear that Anne feels their time in hiding is coming to a close. The journal ends as they are still in hiding; when the soldiers find them, Anne is unable to take her journal with her to the concentration camp. She dies soon before her release from the camp, so she was unable to add more to her journal. Aside from the fact that the story’s content was depressing and disturbing in regards to the Holocaust

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