Thursday, October 24, 2019

Costs and benefits of the migration Essay

The costs are highly experienced in the developing countries than the developed countries. The migration of the practitioners leaves the medical system being completely inadequate to carry out its mandate on top of the many other problems such institutions already faces. Therefore, the first major cost faced due to the migration is the lack of the institutions to provide the required medical care to the citizens. This becomes worse when it is not possible for the institutions to replace the manpower lost. This means that those left behind to work in the institutions will have to be overworked while still being paid the little amount they used to receive. The more the employees are strained, the more they are pushed to look for better working conditions elsewhere making the situation worse (Stewart, Clark & Clark, para 11). The other cost comes in form of the investment that has been used in the training of the practitioners who migrate. Most of the developing countries subsidize or entirely sponsors the training of these practitioners. It thus implies that the investment the government puts in such personnel is lost when they migrate to the developed countries. The major benefits that this migration brings can be categorized into the remittances that the practitioners send to their home countries, and the skills they get due to the exposure. The amount sent home is more important in improving the economic life of those left behind and the nation as a whole. This remittance plays a significant role in the practitioner’s country of origin’s economy in form of foreign funds. This has made some countries like the Philippines to train more nurses and sent them to practice in developed countries and thus contribute to the Gross National Product growth (Tujan, para 15). Most of the developing countries do not have enough medical facilities. Therefore, when the practitioners moves temporarily to the developed countries, they get to be exposed at high levels of technology which makes them have improved skills that will plays a significant role in developing the medical system in their home country when they go back. This implies that the country of origin might save a lot in terms of what could have been spent in specialized training or higher education for the practitioners. The major problem with this however is that, many of the practitioners do not return home, and when they do, they have retired hence not productive. In the developed countries In the country of origin, the migration causes a lot of costs than the benefits. However, on the receiving countries, the benefits accrued are higher than the costs incurred. The issue of recruitment within any organization is usually a costly affair. Recruitment of the immigrants is thus more costly than local recruitment. This can force the organization and the government to pass the extra costs to the consumers increasing the cost of living in the society. The cost can also be experienced in the course of resettlement of the immigrants (Stilwell et al, para 7). There are some instances in which the immigrants are willing to take up some policies set by a government more than the local practitioners. For instance, working in form of contracts or part-time. Many of the locals do not agree with this, hence when the immigrants seem to agree with such a policy, they are usually recruited in favor of the locals, and this will generally affect the wages of the local practitioners, which will further go down affecting the tax bracket of the receiving country. In a case where the locals see that they are competing with the immigrants, there can be low morale and reduced commitment in the working. This might be looked at in the micro economic level as affecting only the firm; however, the macro-economic effect has to be put in consideration. The most important benefit of the professionals inflow from the developing to the developed countries is experienced when there is no shortage of the practitioners. This means there shall be improved provision of health care services. The local practitioners in developed countries mostly would need to be paid higher remunerations as compared to the immigrants. Therefore, if the immigrants are employed, it means they shall provide medication at a cheaper rate which will go down reducing the cost that could be passed to the consumer. On the other hand, the government will benefit from the taxes that will be collected from the foreign practitioners (Crush, pp 7). Conclusion Both countries have some benefits and costs they get when the professionals migrate. However, as argued, most of developing countries get more costs than the benefits from these acts. It is thus important that the concerned stakeholders should come up with policies that would see ethical migration between the receiving and sending country so that no country benefits at the expense of another. Work Cited Crush J. The Global Raiders: Nationalism, Globalization and the South African Brain Drain, 2002. Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 56, Issue 1, pp 4-7. Kapur D & Mchale J. Should a Cosmopolitan Worry about the â€Å"Brain Drain†? 2006, Journal of Ethics & International Affairs, Vol. 20, Issue 3, pp 11-15. Stewart J, Clark D & Clark P F. Migration and Recruitment of Healthcare Professionals: Causes, Consequences and Policy Responses, 2007. Retrieved on October 28, 2008 from http://www. focus-migration. de/The_Migration_and_Re. 2496. 0. html? &L=1. Stilwell B, Diallo K, Zurn P, Dal Poz M R, Adams O & Buchan J. Developing evidence-based ethical policies on the migration of health workers: conceptual and practical challenges, 2003. Journal of Human Resources for Health, Retrieved on October 28, 2008 from http://www. human-resources-health. com/content/1/1/8. Tujan A. Health Professionals Migration and its Impact on the Philippines, Journal of Asia Pacific Research Network, 2002. vol. 6, Issue 1. Retrieved on October 28, 2008 from http://www. aprnet. org/index. php? a=show&c=Volume%206%20March%202002&t=journals&i=5.

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