Tuesday, December 24, 2019

There is a Nursing Shortage in Canada - 839 Words

Nursing Shortage in Canada Population in Canada continues to increase as per Statistics Canada (2013). To provide quality nursing services for such a population we need sufficient nursing workforce. According to Little (2007), by 2016, Canada will face a nursing shortage of 100,000 nurses. The major reasons for this being unemployment of immigrated internationally educated nurses in Canada and emigration of Canadian-educated nurses to countries like USA. According to College of Nurses of Ontario [CNO]a (2007), as stated in Blythe, J, et al. (2009), in 2007, 11% of registered nursing workforce in Ontario constitutes Internationally Educated Nurses (IEN). Most of the IENs are left unemployed after they migrate to Canada because of rigid requirements of language skills, licensure exams, variability in nursing education across countries etc. (Blythe et al., 2009). Between 1997 and 2000, of the 25 506 foreign-educated nurses applying for licensure in the USA, approximately 22% were Canadi an applicants, most of whom were new graduates (Buchan et al. 2003 as in Hall et al., 2009). If immigration of IENs can be made more beneficial to Canada and Canadian nurses are provided better incentives to practice in Canada, then nursing shortage that we are currently facing can be avoided. The decision to recruit more IENs into Canada was made because of the nursing shortage that is intensifying. There are three stages to integrate into nursing profession in Canada, whichShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Clinical Placements For Nurses950 Words   |  4 Pages Facilitating clinical placements is also another strategy for shortage of nursing that many counties faced. But the impediment to develop a higher capacity of programs in the nursing field lies with the administration of site placements for nursing professionals. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Methods of Performance Appraisal Free Essays

string(105) " that it is easy to understand, easy to use and permits a statistical tabulation of scores of employees\." Q1 . Distinguish between ‘Performance Appraisal’ and the†potentialAppraisal’. Also discuss, in bief, the methods of performance appraisal. We will write a custom essay sample on Methods of Performance Appraisal or any similar topic only for you Order Now Ans. A performance appraisal system judges the performance of an employee over a given period of time. It is an indication of how he has performed in the PAST, but may necessarily not be an indication of his performance in the future. Depending on his past performance, a person is rewarded suitable with an appropriate cash incentive or bonus. A potential appraisal system is done to judge the capability of the person for a future role, meaning you are trying to assess a person to see whether he has the necessary skills, aptitude, attitude and competency for an increased level of responsibility and accountability or a leadership role. It can be enhanced with giving him specific T D, or assigning him a mentor. You are trying to judge his FUTURE performance based on the potential appraisal. Methods of Performance Appraisal The performance appraisal methods may be classified into three categories, as shown in Figure below. [pic] Individual Evaluation Methods Under the individual evaluation methods of merit rating, employees are evaluated one at a time without comparing them with other employees in the organization. 1. Confidential report: It is mostly used in government organizations. It is a descriptive report prepared, generally at the end of every year, by the employee’s immediate superior. The report highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the subordinate. The report is not data based. The impressions of the superior about the subordinate are merely recorded there. It does not offer any feedback to the appraisee. The appraisee is not very sure about why his ratings have fallen despite his best efforts, why others are rated high when compared to him, how to rectify his mistakes, if any; on what basis he is going to be evaluated next year, etc. Since the report is generally not made public and hence no feedback is available, the subjective nalysis of the superior is likely to be hotly contested. In recent years, due to pressure from courts and trade unions, the details of a negative confidential report are given to the appraisee. 2. Essay evaluation: Under this method, the rater is asked to express the strong as well as weak points of the employee’s behavior. This technique is normally used with a combination of the graphic rating scale because the rater can elaborately present the scale by substantiating an explanation for his ra ting. While preparing the essay on the employee, the rater considers the following factors: (i) Job knowledge and potential of the employee; (ii) Employee’s understanding of the company’s programmes, policies, objectives, etc. ; (iii) The employee’s relations with co-workers and superiors; (iv) The employee’s general planning, organizing and controlling ability; (v) The attitudes and perceptions of the employee, in general. 3. Critical incident technique: Under this method, the manager prepares lists of statements of very effective and ineffective behavior of an employee. These critical incidents or events represent the outstanding or poor behavior of employees on the job. The manager maintains logs on each employee, whereby he periodically records critical incidents of the workers behavior. At the end of the rating period, these recorded critical incidents are used in the evaluation of the workers’ performance. 4. Checklists and weighted checklists: Another simple type of individual evaluation method is the checklist. A checklist represents, in its simplest form, a set of objectives or descriptive statements about the employee and his behavior. If the rater believes strongly that the employee possesses a particular listed trait, he checks the item; otherwise, he leaves the item blank. A more recent variation of the checklist method is the weighted list. Under this, the value of each question may be weighted equally or certain questions may be weighted more heavily than others. The following are some of the sample questions in the checklist. †¢ Is the employee really interested in the task assigned? Yes/No †¢ Is he respected by his colleagues (co-workers)Yes/No †¢ Does he give respect to his superiors? Yes/No †¢ Does he follow instructions properly? Yes/No †¢ Does he make mistakes frequently? Yes/No A rating score from the checklist helps the manager in evaluation of the performance of the employee. The checklist method has a serious limitation. (e)Graphic rating scale: Perhaps the most commonly used method of performance evaluation is the graphic rating scale. Of course, it is also one of the oldest methods of evaluation in use. Under this method, a printed form, as shown below, is used to evaluate the performance of an employee. A variety of traits may be used in these types of rating devices, the most common being the quantity and quality of work. The rating scales can also be adapted by including traits that the company considers important for effectiveness on the job. A model of a graphic rating scale is given below. Table: Typical Graphic Rating Scale Employee Name†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Job title †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Department †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Rate †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Data †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Quantity of work: Volume of work under normal |Unsatisfactory |Fair |Satisfactory |Good |Outstanding | |working conditions | | | | | | |Quality of work: Neatness, thoroughness and |   |   |   |   |   | |accuracy of work Knowledge of job | | | | | | |A clear understanding of the factors connected |   |   |   |   |   | |with the job | | | | | | | Attitude: Exhibits enthusiasm and |   |   |   |   |   | |cooperativeness on the job | | | | | | |Dependability: Conscientious, thorough, |   |   |   |   |   | |reliable, accurate, with respect to attendance, | | | | | | |reliefs, lunch breaks, etc. | | | | | | |Cooperation: Willingness and ability to work |   |   |   |   |   | |with others to produce desired goals. | | | | | | From the graphic rating scales, excerpts can be obtained about the performance standards of employees. For instance, if the employee has serious gaps in technical-professional knowledge (knows only rudimentary phases of job); lacks the knowledge to bring about an increase in productivity; is reluctant to make decisions on his own (on even when he makes decisions they are unreliable and substandard); declines to accept responsibility; fails to plan ahead effectively; wastes and misuses resources; etc. , then it can safely be inferred that the standards of the performance of the employee are dismal and disappointing. The rating scale is the most common method of evaluation of an employee’s performance today. One positive point in favor of the rating scale is that it is easy to understand, easy to use and permits a statistical tabulation of scores of employees. You read "Methods of Performance Appraisal" in category "Papers" When ratings are objective in nature they can be effectively used as evaluators. The graphic rating scale may however suffer from a long standing disadvantage, i. e. , it may be arbitrary and the rating may be subjective. Another pitfall is that each characteristic is equally important in evaluation of the employee’s performance and so on. (f)Behaviorally anchored rating scales: Also known as the behavioral expectations scale, this method represents the latest innovation in performance appraisal. It is a combination of the rating scale and critical incident techniques of employee performance evaluation. The critical incidents serve as anchor statements on a scale and the rating form usually contains six to eight specifically defined performance dimensions. The following chart represents an example of a sales trainee’s competence and a behaviorally anchored rating scale. Table: An Example of Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) |Performance |Points |Behavior | |Extremely good |7 |Can expect trainee to make valuable suggestions for increased sales and to have | | | |positive relationships with customers all over the country. |Good |6 |Can expect to initiate creative ideas for improved sales. | |Above average |5 |Can expect to keep in touch with the customers throughout the year. | |Average |4 |Can manage, with difficulty, to deliver the goods in time. | |Below average |3 |Can expect to unload the trucks when asked by the supervisor. | |Poor |2 |Can expect to inform only a part of the customers. | |Extremely poor |1 |Can expect to take extended coffee breaks and roam around purposelessly. | How to construct BARS? Developing a BARS follows a general format which combines techniques employed in the critical incident method and weighted checklist ratings scales. Emphasis is pinpointed on pooling the thinking of people who will use the scales as both evaluators and evaluees. Step 1: Collect critical incidents: People with knowledge of the job to be probed, such as job holders and supervisors, describe specific examples of effective and ineffective behavior related to job performance. Step 2: Identify performance dimensions: The people assigned the task of developing the instrument cluster the incidents into a small set of key performance dimensions. Generally between five and ten dimensions account for most of the performance. Examples of performance dimensions include technical competence, relationships with customers, handling of paper work and meeting day-to-day deadlines. While developing varying levels of performance for each dimension (anchors), specific examples of behavior should be used, which could later be scaled in terms of good, average or below average performance. Step 3: Reclassification of incidents: Another group of participants who are knowledgeable about the job is instructed to retranslate or reclassify the critical incidents generated (in Step II) previously. They are given the definition of job dimension and told to assign each critical incident to the dimension that it best describes. At this stage, incidents for which there is not 75 per cent agreement are discarded as being too subjective. Step 4: Assigning scale values to the incidents: Each incident is then rated on a one-to-seven or one-to-nine scale with respect of how well it represents performance on the appropriate dimension. A rating of one represents ineffective performance; the top scale value indicates very effective performance. The second group of participants usually assigns the scale values. Means and standard deviations are then calculated for the scale values assigned to each incident. Typically incidents that have standard deviations of 1. 50 or less (on a 7-point scale) are retained. Step 5: Producing the final instrument: About six or seven incidents for each performance dimension – all having met both the retranslating and standard deviation criteria – will be used as behavioral anchors. The final BARS instrument consists of a series of vertical scales (one for each dimension) anchored (or measured) by the final incidents. Each incident is positioned on the scale according to its mean value. Because the above process typically requires considerable employee participation, its acceptance by both supervisors and their subordinates may be greater. Proponents of BARS also claim that such a system differentiates among behavior, performance and results and consequently is able to provide a basis for setting developmental goals for the employee. Because it is job-specific and identifies observable and measurable behavior, it is a more reliable and valid method for performance appraisal. (g)Forced choice method: This method was developed to eliminate bias and the preponderance of high ratings that might occur in some organizations. The primary purpose of the forced choice method is to correct the tendency of a rater to give consistently high or low ratings to all the employees. This method makes use of several sets of pair phrases, two of which may be positive and two negative and the rater is asked to indicate which of the four phrases is the most and least descriptive of a particular worker. Actually, the statement items are grounded in such a way that the rater cannot easily judge which statements apply to the most effective employee. The following box is a classic illustration of the forced choice items in organizations. Table: Forced Choice Items 1. LeastMost ADoes not anticipate difficultiesA BGrasps explanations easily and quicklyB CDoes not waste timeC DVery easy to talk toD 2. LeastMost ACan be a leaderA BWastes time on unproductive thingsB CAt all times, cool and calmC DSmart workerD The favorable qualities earn a plus credit and the unfavorable ones earn the reverse. The worker gets over plus when the positive factors override the negative ones or when one of the negative phrases is checked as being insignificantly rated. They overall objectivity is increased by using this method in evaluation of employee’s performance, because the rater does not know how high or low he is evaluating the individual as he has no access to the scoring key. This method, however, has a strong limitation. In the preparation of sets of phrases trained technicians are needed and as such the method becomes very expensive. Further, managers may feel frustrated rating the employees ‘in the dark’. Finally, the results of the forced choice method may not be useful for training employees because the rater himself does not know how he is evaluating the worker. In spite of these limitations, the forced choice techniques is quite popular. h)Management by Objectives (MBO): MBO represents a modern method of evaluating the performance of personnel. Thoughtful managers have become increasingly aware that the traditional performance evaluation systems are characterized by somewhat antagonistic judgments on the part of the rater. There is a growing feeling nowadays that it is better to make the superior work with subordinates in fixing goals. This would inevitably enable subordinates to exercise self-control over their performance behaviors. The concept of management by objectives is actually the outcome of the pioneering works of Drucker, McGregor and Odiorne in management science. Management by objectives can be described as â€Å"a process whereby the superior and subordinate managers of an organization jointly identify its common goals, define each individuals’ major areas of responsibility in terms of results expected of him and use these measures as guides for operating the unit and assessing the contributions of each of its members†. MBO thus represents more than an evaluation programme and process. Practicing management scientists and pedagogues view it as a philosophy of managerial practice; it is a method by which managers and subordinates plan, organize, control, communicate and debate. Features ? MBO emphasizes participatively set goals that are tangible, verifiable and measurable. MBO focuses attention on what must be accomplished (goals) rather than how it is to be accomplished (methods). ? MBO, by concentrating on key result areas translates the abstract philosophy of management into concrete phraseology. The technique can be put to general use (non-specialist technique). Further it is â€Å"a dynamic system which seeks to integrate the company’s need to clarify and achieve its profit and growth targets with the manager’s need to contribute and develop himself†. ? MBO is a systematic and rational technique that allows management to attain maximum results from available resources by focusing on achievable goals. It allows the subordinate plenty of room to make creative decisions on his own. How to cite Methods of Performance Appraisal, Essays

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Essay Question On An Inspector Calls Example For Students

Essay Question On An Inspector Calls Account for the success and popularity of An Inspector Calls over fifty-eight years. Refer to one or two scenes in your answer.  Priestley wrote An Inspector Calls in 1945. The play is set in the year 1912 and is at first sight a straightforward detective thriller as Tim Bezant says in his Introduction. Mysteries appeal to everybody. This may be because there is a lot of suspense, causing tension. If An Inspector Calls is a very popular play, this is probably one of the main reasons. This work also explores the changes that take place or not, as the case may be in human beings when their consciences are affected. It is, above all, a play with a message. At the very beginning the author introduces all the characters and establishes the idea of a happy and united family looking forward to the future with a degree of confidence. As this is a typical family the audience is engrossed in the play because we are fascinated with gossip and what events occur in other peoples lives. An example of this is in the soap opera, Eastenders. This is one of the most popular soap operas today due to the dramas and conflicts that occur in a few families. In retrospect, there are a number of hints that all is not as it seems but these are not particularly obvious until later in the play. There is nothing to warn us of the shock of the Inspectors visit. Priestley also shows the relationships between each character. These are universal themes that apply to human beings at any time and at any place. An example of a universal theme is the relationship between Mr and Mrs Birling. Mrs Birling evidently knows more about social matters then Mr Birling because her husband does not know how to host a party and she tells him off. Arthur, youre not supposed to say such things.  Mrs Birling says this after Mr Birling has complimented the cook on the dinner, when he is supposed to be the host of the party. An audience at any period would laugh at this comment because it shows a typical argument between couples.  A few lines later Mrs Birling says to Sheila:  When you are married youll realize that men with important work to do sometimes have to spend nearly all their time and energy on their business. Youll have to get used to that, just as I had. This shows the relationship between middle class men and women in 1912. The men worked and brought money into the house whereas women stayed at home and supervised the house and children, with servants to do the actual physical work. Today, both women and men can get jobs but we still live in a male dominated world, where even if a woman goes out to work she will still usually be the one who is mainly responsible for the home and children. Priestley gives us a symbol of separation between male and female just after Gerald has given Sheila her engagement ring. Sheila and Mrs Birling go from the room whilst the men have a private chat and drink port. This was a custom in 1912, but one which has become quite rare these days. Nevertheless, men still like getting together for all-male sessions. As we live in the twenty-first century, the audience would find this play interesting and engaging because we can see how society has changed. The rivalries between the two siblings, Sheila and Eric, are another example of a universal theme, making the audience able to recognise the characters and enjoy the play. Every person who has a sibling must have at least had an argument with them at least once in their lives, so the audience would be engrossed in the play and acknowledge that this is a typical family. .uf6f8df602492158be2d1a77feb74177b , .uf6f8df602492158be2d1a77feb74177b .postImageUrl , .uf6f8df602492158be2d1a77feb74177b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf6f8df602492158be2d1a77feb74177b , .uf6f8df602492158be2d1a77feb74177b:hover , .uf6f8df602492158be2d1a77feb74177b:visited , .uf6f8df602492158be2d1a77feb74177b:active { border:0!important; } .uf6f8df602492158be2d1a77feb74177b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf6f8df602492158be2d1a77feb74177b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf6f8df602492158be2d1a77feb74177b:active , .uf6f8df602492158be2d1a77feb74177b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf6f8df602492158be2d1a77feb74177b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf6f8df602492158be2d1a77feb74177b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf6f8df602492158be2d1a77feb74177b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf6f8df602492158be2d1a77feb74177b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf6f8df602492158be2d1a77feb74177b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf6f8df602492158be2d1a77feb74177b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf6f8df602492158be2d1a77feb74177b .uf6f8df602492158be2d1a77feb74177b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf6f8df602492158be2d1a77feb74177b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Gay and Lesbian EssayMr Birling is having an enjoyable family celebration, which he is dominating with his speeches and predictions. The atmosphere is relaxed making the play even more shocking later on. He is full of pompous pronouncements, such as The Titanic absolutely unsinkable. Priestley uses dramatic irony in this example to show how out-of-touch Birling is, and how arrogant. When Birling makes these unrealistic predictions, the audience are in a good mood because we feel superior. By making the audience feel greater than Mr Birling, Priestley has made his play very fascinating. We know that Mr Birling is wrong and are secretly laughing within ourselves. All his fa ith is in business and greed, and this partly explains his pleasure in the evening since Crofts and Birling will be brought together to work in harmony. His obsessive faith in the individual, in progress and capitalism is the kind of selfish attitude that has led to Eva Smiths downfall. This is what the Inspector comes to teach him about. From the very moment the Inspector starts to interrogate the family there is tension and surprise among the audience. Our first impression of Mr Birling has been that he is a civilised and respectable man. However we soon realise that he does hold some responsibility for Eva Smiths death. This scene is particularly interesting because it deals with relationships between employers and employees.  Well, its its my duty to keeps labour costs down, and if Id agreed to this demand for a new rate wed have added about twelve per cent to our labour costs. The year in this scene is supposed to be in 1912; however this argument is exactly the same as the one employers use today to the unions when they are demanding a pay rise. Employees do get more protection these days than Eva Smith had. Nevertheless, employees are still at a disadvantage. An example of this in the twenty-first century is when the UK fire fighters were in dispute with their employers over pay. They reached an agreement with their employers, but the government ruined the deal, by saying that the pay increase had to be funded by modernisation of their terms and conditions. Knowing this, the audience feels sympathy for Eva Smith losing her job, and creates a relationship with Eva Smiths character.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Constitution Of The United States Reads; We Hold These Truths To B

The constitution of the United States reads; "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." In the 1830's, there existed a deep division among the nation's white population reguarding Native Americans. In their dealings with Native Americans, the first white settlers adopted policies that were shaped by their own European worldview and experience. When the United States became a nation, the new government built on this European foundation, but over time adapted its Native American policy to changing perspectives and needs- mainly the desire for more land and wealth. Eventually the Native Americans were regarded as an anachronism irreclaimable savage by those west of the Appalachians and redeemable savages by eastern philanthropists and humanitarians. To the whites settlers in the trans-Appalachian frontier that ran from the mid-west to the southern states, Indians were considered a threat that had to be exterminated. Believers in Native American reform were largely from the industrial and commercial centers in the Northeast where few Indians lived. With the arrival of twenty Negroes aboard a Dutch man-of-war in Virginia in 1619, the face of American slavery began to change from the tawny Indian to the blackamoor African; a period of transition lasting from between 1650 to 1750. Though the issue is complex, the unsuitability of the Native American for the labor-intensive agricultural practices, their susceptibility to European diseases, the proximity of avenues of escape for Native Americans, and the lucrative nature of the African slave trade led to a transition to an African-based institution of slavery. In spite of a later tendency in the Southern United States to differentiate the African slave from the Indian, African slavery was in actuality imposed on top of a pre-existing system of Indian slavery. In North America, the two never diverged as distinctive institutions. Indian slaves were considered to be sullen, insubordinate, and short lived, A.B. Hart quoted in Sanford Wilson, Indian Slavery in the South Carolina Region, Journal of Negro History 22 (1935): 440. The article further describes Native American slaves as not of such robust and strong bodies, as to lift great burdens, and endure labor and slavish work. Native Americans were not without some commercial value. They were often seized throughout the South and taken to the slave markets and traded at an exchange rate of two for one for African Americans. An interesting spin on the story comes from Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois who, even in agreement with the positions stated above, stated that The Indian refused to submit to bondage and to learn the white man's ways. The result is that the greater portion of the American Indians has disappeared, the greater portions of those who remain are not civilized. The Negro, wiser and more enduring than the Indian, patiently endured slavery; and contact with the white man has given him a civilization vastly superior to that of the Indian. (Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois, The Negro in the South: His Economic Progress in Relation to His Moral and Religious Development (Philadelphia, George W. Jacobs and Company, 1907), 14.) Washington reiterates this point by quoting Dr. John Spencer, who in discussing the collapse of indentured servitude and Indian slavery, stated In each case it was survival of the fittest. Both Indian slavery and white servitude were to go down before the black man's superior endurance, docility, and labor capacity. (Dr. John Spencer quoted in Booker T. Washington, The Story of the Negro: The Rise of the Race from Slavery. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN NATIVE AND AFRICAN AMERICANS: During this transitional period, Africans and Native Americans shared the common experience of enslavement. In addition to working together in the fields, they lived together in communal living quarters, began to produce collective recipes for food and herbal remedies, shared myths and legends, and ultimately intermarried. The intermarriage of Africans and Native Americans was facilitated by the disproportionate numbers of African male slaves to females (3 to 1) and the decimation of Native American males by disease, enslavement, and prolonged war against the colonists. As Native American societies in the Southeast were primarily matrilineal, African men who married Native American

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Write a Personal Narrative

How to Write a Personal Narrative The personal narrative essay can be the most enjoyable type of assignment to write because it  provides you with  an opportunity  to share a meaningful event from your life.  After all, how often do you get to tell funny stories or brag about a great experience and receive school credit for it? Think of a Memorable Event   A personal narrative can focus on any event, whether it is one that lasted  a few seconds or spanned  a few years. Your topic can reflect your personality, or it can reveal an event that shaped your outlook and opinions. Your story should have a clear point. If nothing comes to mind, try one of these examples:   A learning experience that challenged and changed you;A new discovery that came about in an interesting way;Something funny that happened to you  or your family;A lesson you learned the hard way. Planning Your Narrative Start this process with a brainstorming session,  taking a few moments to scribble  down several memorable events from your life. Remember, this doesn’t have to be high drama: Your event could be anything from blowing your first bubble gum bubble to getting lost in the woods. If you think your life doesnt have that many interesting events, try to come up with one or more examples for  each of the following: Times you laughed the hardestTimes you felt sorry for your actionsPainful memoriesTimes you were surprisedScariest moments Next, look over your  list of events and narrow your choices by selecting those that have a clear chronological pattern, and those that would enable you to use colorful, entertaining, or interesting details and descriptions.   Finally, decide if your topic has a point. A funny story might represent irony in life or a lesson learned in a comical way; a scary story might demonstrate how you learned from a mistake.  Decide on the point of your final topic and keep it in mind as you write. Show, Don’t Tell   Your story should be written in the first-person point of view. In a narrative, the writer is the storyteller, so you can write this through your own eyes and ears. Make the reader experience what you experienced- not just  read what you experienced. Do this by imagining that you are reliving your event. As you think about your story, describe on paper what you see, hear, smell, and feel, as follows: Describing Actions Dont say: My sister ran off. Instead, say: My sister jumped a foot in the air and disappeared behind the closest tree. Describing Moods Dont say: Everyone felt on edge. Instead, say: We were all afraid to breathe. Nobody made a sound. Elements to Include Write your story in chronological order. Make a brief outline showing the sequence of events before you begin to write the narrative. This will keep you on track. Your story should include the following: Characters: Who are the people involved in your story? What are their significant character traits? Tense: Your story already happened, so, generally, write in the past tense. Some writers are effective in telling stories in the present tense- but that usually isnt a good idea. Voice: Are you attempting to be funny, somber, or serious? Are you telling the story of your 5-year-old self? Conflict: Any good story should have a conflict, which can come in many forms. Conflict can be between you and your neighbor’s dog, or it can be two feelings you are experiencing at one time, like guilt versus the need to be popular. Descriptive language: Make an effort to broaden your vocabulary and use expressions, techniques, and words that you don’t normally use. This will make your paper more entertaining and interesting, and it will make you a better writer. Your main point: The story you write should come to a satisfying or interesting end. Do not attempt to describe an obvious lesson  directly- it should come from observations and discoveries. Dont say: I learned not to make judgments about people based on their appearances. Instead, say: Maybe the next time I bump into an elderly lady  with greenish skin and a large, crooked nose, Ill greet her with a smile. Even if she is clutching  a warped and twisted  broomstick.

Friday, November 22, 2019

An Apple for the Teacher

An Apple for the Teacher The tradition of putting an apple on teacher’s desk was allegedly started by a grade-school student who polished a red apple and placed it on teacher’s desk just before the class start. The â€Å"apple polisher’s† intention was to ask for a better grade or bribe the teacher with a bright and shiny red apple. REMEMBERING OUR FIRST STAGE OF EDUCATION Apple as a Symbol of Teaching in Different Countries The apple has been the symbol of teaching for many years but used differently some parts of the world. For instance, seems so different from the original apple polisher’s intention, students in Europe who cannot afford school fees traditionally bring an apple for the teacher as acceptable payment in kind. In Nashville, Tennessee, U.S, a crystal apple award is given to a teacher â€Å"who made a difference†. Moreover, the apple according to literature represents the happy relationship between teachers, students, and their families and from a teacher’s perspective, an apple on their desk is an appreciation of their hard work and a gift from people who like and see them as noble professionals. Teaching is the most demanding of all profession but according to a teacher with more than thirty years in service, teaching is the most rewarding and noble profession of all. For one thing, teachers help younger generation survive the challenges of present and future by transferring their knowledge and skills. The reward on the other hand such as simple a bear hug from students, an apple on the desk, a birthday card with a note, and so on is far greater than the demands. Teaching Is the Noblest Profession of All Teaching is a profession that is conceptually and ideally noble. Compared to another profession, teaching has a multitude of dimensions and it is considered to be the only profession that requires becoming a qualified practitioner.  For instance, teachers must undertake sound professional training before they can teach, undergo induction training at work and update their knowledge and skills through continuous education. Moreover, teachers are mostly engaged in human development activities. Qualified teachers normally mastered the knowledge of the subject, the pedagogy, teaching techniques, dedicated to students’ learning and betterment of our society. The professional and cultural dimensions of teaching made it an even  more difficult profession. However, the most inspiring justification for being an exceptional and noblest profession is the reality that monetary consideration in teaching is often secondary. One of its primary principles is selflessness and required by the code of ethics to maintain dignity and avoid controversies in and out of school. In fact, aside from maintaining a high standard of personal appearance, a teacher’s own life should reflect dignity in education, act as people with superior educational skills, blameless, obedient, and neutral to any social, economic, and political issues. Despite enormous demands and pressure, teaching is a poorly paid profession, teachers do not usually have similar public respect that other professionals enjoy, considered professional but not autonomous at the workplace, they normally need to work in the evenings and on weekends, perform enormous clerical activities, and in most occasion dealing with poor working condition. JUNK FOOD IN SCHOOL

Thursday, November 21, 2019

House of cards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

House of cards - Essay Example House of cards is a politically inclined drama television series. Judging by the first episode, the series will be full of manipulation, pragmatism, and twists. This piece is a very elaborate and engaging channel to introduce management principles to neophytes. At random, the average person may deduce management to be the study of managing people. This entails keeping good relationships within an organization: studying people, what makes them tick and what makes them laugh, all in the effort to make them go into the direction you want them to go. After watching one episode, one may realize that while all these elements are present, these are not all there is to management. Management is the art of managing people. It is essential to understand the people in the organization. It is crucial to understand what makes them work and what does not. Identifying these elements enable you to delve deeper into the person, granting you the ability to utilize people to their maximum potential. Frank Underwood is seen to associate and group himself with people who share the same interests: with Zoe Barnes, a vigilant and truth-seeking journalist, and with Catherine Durant, an anti-Walker politician who has her own tricks. These relationships will enable him to achieve his goal, since he has aligned goals with these persons. It is crucial to note that while people have aligned goals at the moment, it may not be so eventually.It is also essential to not only understand, but to establish your relationship with the people in the organization. Doing so grants you knowledge on how you can handle them.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Logic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Logic - Assignment Example from The Pew Charitable Trusts and the John Templeton Foundation as part of the Pew-Templeton Global Religious Futures Project, which aims to increase peoples knowledge of religion around the world. The text given above is one of the important findings of the survey. The source of the historical data is World Religion Database. There is a scientific validity to the survey as it involved interviews with more than 25000 people belonging to 19 countries, in more than 60 languages and it reflects the people’s beliefs, attitude towards other faiths, concerns and tries to assess the social and political order. A thorough analysis with reference to religion has been made with reference to the present state of the social order. However, the analysis is lagging behind with regard to the important aspect as to how it could be useful in repairing of the social order. The analysis of traditional religious practices provides strong clues to the reasons for the present status of the social structure. Also, motives or reasons for religious extremism with reference to the region are not touched upon. â€Å"In The Wealth of Nations, Smith (1965, pp. 740- 766) argued that self-interest motivates clergy just as it does secular producers;† (Iannaccone, L.R. and Berman, E). The report states unemployment, crime and corruption as bigger problems than religious conflict, though in some countries religious conflicts are the major problem. However, the people connected to activities of religious extremism and suicide-bombers were mostly unemployed youths from poor background according to the newspaper stories. The report has not however underlined the relationship, if any, that exists between religious extremism and unemployment or poverty. Working out a common minimum rules for the society comprising of various ethnic groups, communities and religion is the precursor to reforms. Once this is achieved, the religion could be effectively sidelined to the personal domains of the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet Essay Example for Free

Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet Essay Answer each question in 50 to 100 words related to those stereotypes. Provide citations for all the sources you use. What are the positive aspects of stereotypes, if any? I don’t feel there are positive aspects of stereotypes. Even in the rare cases of a â€Å"good† stereotype like â€Å"blondes are more fun†, to label someone before you’ve given them the chance to prove themselves is always a negative in my mind. While some people may not be offended by certain stereotypes, it is still unfair to give someone a label before gaining any knowledge of them personally. What are the negative aspects of stereotypes? The negative aspects are apparent in abundance. Some of the most obvious negative aspects are when minorities aren’t afforded the same opportunities that white Americans are given, due to racial stereotypes like â€Å"black people are lazy†. Stereotypes can also affect children. There is a common myth that some ignorant people believe in which gay parents will raise a gay child. Children can be very cruel at a young age and have stereotypes such as this passed down from their parents, which they then perpetuate against children of gay parents. Part III Answer each question in 50 to 150 words related to those stereotypes. Provide citations for all the sources you use. Define stereotypes and prejudice. What is the difference between stereotyping and prejudice? Use examples to illustrate the differences. Stereotypes involve generalizations about the typical characteristics of members of the groups. Prejudice is an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics. Stereotypes are different from prejudice because prejudice is to act on the stereotypes in your mind, as in to treat someone differently based on those stereotypes. An example would be for an older white woman to see a young black kid with baggy pants walking towards her and then switching the side of the street that she’s walking on. What is the relationship between stereotyping and prejudice? The relationship between stereotyping and prejudice is one of great significance. Without stereotypes there really wouldn’t be much reason for prejudice against another person, without first getting to know them. Stereotypes are so deeply embedded in our society that prejudice often happens in our country without people even recognizing that they are committing the act of prejudice. What can be done to prevent prejudice from occurring? The main thing that can be done to prevent prejudice would be for people to cast aside the stereotypes that they have been raised on. That is much easier said than done, but it is an absolute necessity in preventing prejudiced behaviors from occurring. As long as we stereotype one another, prejudices will always be around. References Schaefer, R.T. (2012). Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Tattoos, Body Piercings, and Other Body Modifications Essay -- body mo

â€Å"The colors and pictures we apply to our skin communicate our values and aspirations as well as our hopes and personal histories. Even when we adopt the â€Å"natural look† and don't adorn our skin at all, we are making a social statement. Our skin talks even when we don't; it is not a neutral canvas.† (Jablonski, 164) We as a species are obsessed with our appearance and are equally preoccupied with altering it to our own varied desires. Each person wants nothing less than perfection, but each has an unique idea of what that means. Every person on the planet engages in some form of body modification to achieve the look that they can identify with and feel is their own. From cosmetics to cosmetic surgery, a pierced ear to a facial implant, hair styling to tattoos, and everything in between, altering our bodies is part of our way of life. Body painting was likely the first way in which the human animal adorned itself and attempted to express its individual status amongst the species. Long before the tools were invented required in the production of clothing; prehistoric hominids implemented embellishment of the physical form by smearing natural pigments such as hematite, limonite, manganese, and ash, as well as, chalk and charcoal. Scarification through branding as a cosmetic body alteration likely began in the early days after the invention of fire and has been carried on in various ways and by various cultures into the present day. Other forms of body alteration including diverse types of piercing and circumcision are remnants of the cultures from the ancient world. Tattooing and deliberate scarification became other ways of personal expression early on in prehistory, possibly also before fashioned clothing. It is co... ...TE / SITE OFFICIEL D'ORLAN." ORLAN OFFICIAL WEBSITE SITE OFFICIEL DORLAN RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Dec. 2013. . Rush, John A.. Spiritual tattoo: a cultural history of tattooing, piercing, scarification, branding, and implants. Berkeley, Calif.: Frog :, 2005. Print. "Second Life with Autism." YouTube. YouTube, 30 Aug. 2007. Web. 20 Dec. 2013. . Taylor, Mark C.. Hiding. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997. Print. Wegenstein, Bernadette. The cosmetic gaze: body modification and the construction of beauty. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2012. Print. "modern." Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2013. . "modernism." Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2013. .

Monday, November 11, 2019

Kingship in Macbeth

Throughout the play we see many of Shakespeare's ideas on the topic and theme of kingship but also what he thought the qualities a man should have to rule his country Macbeth is a play about power and about how the characters in the play handle it and use it. These characters are judged as leaders by their personalities, relationships with their subjects and their attitude towards the country. The characters Duncan, Macbeth, Malcolm and Edward all represent their own brand of kingship and as the play progresses we see the faults in each of these. The first to represent kingship in the play is Duncan. He is loved by his subjects and this love is well deserved and Duncan may be considered the most generous and loved king but that does not mean he is infallible. He is a good king has two sons and cares for Scotland. He is described as a sainted king by Macduff in Act 4 scene 3. Duncan places a lot of trust upon his soldiers and they are very loyal as we see in the bleeding captain fighting against mercenaries and Macbeth says himself his loyalty and service to Duncan is sufficient for his reward and also says †he hath honoured him of late† and the essence of Duncan's good nature creates doubts in Macbeth with regards to the murder and Lady Macbeth has also experienced this kindness, a large diamond received for been a good hostess. We see Duncan is decisive when it comes to the matter of traitors as the thane of Cawdor is executed swiftly following his deception from Duncan's ranks. We also see a definite flaw in his nature as he is naive and overly trusting, this is evident when he says † there is no art to find the minds construction in the face † and his ability to sense the deception and treason of the thane of Cawdor and Macbeth shows a lot about his short comings in dealing with certain aspects of his rule which at the time the play was set it was a very important ability to have as a king and his misplaced trust is seen in his haste to reward Macbeth with his new title of Cawdor. In act 4 scene 3 Malcolm lists of the traits of a good king including justice, verity, temperance, stableness, bounty, perseverance, mercy, lowliness, devotion, patience, courage and fortitude and Macduff in response says a king without any of the following does not deserve to live. Also in this scene we see Malcolm testing MacDuff's loyalty saying he is worse than Macbeth, even though it's not very ensuring that his believable lying and a quickness to flee following his father's murder shows fear but it does show he is learning from the mistakes of his father which is a subtlety in the play as to what kind of king he would be. On a more evident note we do see he does know the characteristics of a king and already has loyalty from his subjects which shows a much more stable rule but is questionable if his accession to the throne was smooth and he will remain reliant on his nobles as I father once was. The main issue of the play regarding kingship regards the rule of Macbeth which gives a scenario of the latent potential for evil in kingship. It is clear Macbeths only interest is in his own agenda and plans which seriously contrasts with the list read out by Malcolm in the scene previously mentioned. Macbeth's unstable rule is only maintained by resorting only to murder and terror against his subject and Macbeths use of these tools is mainly caused by hi deep rooted insecurity. This shows kingship has the potential for good and for evil . In the time of Shakespeare the King was believed to be an agent of God and God himself spoke through the king and as Macbeth is not rightfully king his control disturbs the natural order of nature and the earth becomes †feverous† showing the connection between kingship, nature, and all things balanced is to Shakespeare and the majority of his people at the time believed was real. The killing of Duncan to obtain the crown was also described as †unsanctified† due to Duncan being instilled with †divine right† which raises the issue that Macbeths crime is not only unjustly but unholy and a crime against God himself. Macbeth being aware of this prior to the murder he said he would †jump the life to come† meaning he is damned. These thought of eternal damnation weighs heavily in Macbeth's corrupted mind and is a catalyst for his declining unpopularity as the king and is described as a tyrant, hell-kite, usurper, butcher and as devilish which also agrees with the religious side of his kingship. Coming up to the end of Macbeths reign we see he has alienated and abandoned his wife, ordered the killing of innocent women and children and his best friend and has lost the loyalty of all his Thanes and now completely relies on occult prophesies which were completely still led to the demise of the once ambitious soldier, Macbeth. Addressing the character of Edward even though he doesn't show up on stage at all he is established as Macbeths opposite and contrasting sharply in regards to the religious aspect of the play, the doctor says people are healed by his †holy touch† , †solicits heaven† and is †full of grace†. The lord in act 3 scene 6 says he is both †pious† and †holy† his †white magic† runs in opposition to the witches black magic. Edward believes the heart of Scotland can be cured by pray but sends 10'000 men to assist Malcolm and MacDuff showing diplomacy and strategy. Shakespeare contrasts the various modes of kingship in the play, a combination of political manoeuvring, religious and spiritual believe and the kingly graces as defined and appreciated by loyal subjects and the optimistic conclusion that those not in possession of their worth will not be accepted as kings and throughout the play we see the that the countries suffering or prosperity is a direct reflection of the moral of its king.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Statement of Interests

â€Å"Studies! Studies! Studies! You have no time for indulgence; there is not much time for games or hobbies. They are luxuries.† These words are still ringing in my years. It is an unforgettable period of my life-the tough days at campus that has made me whip myself to be a top performer in my curriculum. It was tough studying in Kenya, where the facilities are limited but the curriculum is overwhelming. The standards expected by our universities were different where an overall GPA of 2.65 was meritorious and the performer was a topper [if it were more it would have spoken poorly of the syllabus, training as well as grading].A tremendous capacity for hard work and focused efforts made me one such performer, and has enabled me to apply for this program of MSIS. I have acquainted myself with many computer applications and through intense self-motivation I have learnt these by trial and error – This field of technology is fascinating because it is the most relevant in the current scenario. Moreover, Information Technology is evolving day after day and there is no end to innovation in this field. Getting systematic hands on training is my intention and this program is sure to provide me the chance. This will enable me to enhance my skills and I shall use the practical knowledge acquired here to improve my creative skills, thereby excelling in my future career. . I have dreamt of a lucrative career in this field, one that is full of self-improvement and that gives room for novelty every day. It is fascinating to see how information is passed on through an organization while at the same time is being integrated with and aided by newer and newer computer programs and applications. In Kenya, the system of education focuses a lot on theory and not practical applications. I need to apply the intense theoretical knowledge I acquired all these years and this can only be achieved here .This MSIS Program will provide me with a specialized knowledge of Information Systems and expose the student to practical applications in systems analysis and design.   Moreover, choice of   electives in ERP, , problem formulation ,decision supporting systems   and electronic commerce application theories   would provide one with   new   skill sets   and enhance existing ideas   . My aim is to be an expert problem solver, using technology to achieve strategic advantage in modern organizations .   It has been a longstanding dream to pursue a Masters’ in the US and to seek prestigious employment in the field of Information Technology and be that high-flying executive who is a big asset to a Fortune 500 company. As my desire is to hold a position of significance in a huge company, the necessary expertise to analyse, synthesise and evaluate situations to make sound decisions is imperative. The integrated approach of experimentation and analysis offered by the MSIS Program would provide my longed-for practical training and help me be an expert System Creator. I would ultimately go back to my homeland where managers of superior skills are in short supply and then I would be able to make good use of all the experience acquired over here. My performance in underprivileged circumstances stands testimony to my hard work and motivation. I am very meticulous and systematic by nature and my attention to detail is sure to stand me in good stead in this logical field of Information Systems. I would make the best of the great opportunity in the U.S. and the training acquired here would stay through the rest of my career, helping me achieve my ambition in life. There is also the fond hope and wish that one can fit in extra hobbies within the time available, given the desire and proper time management. Dear student, I have written your essay and I sincerely pray that you get admission into a good school, thereby fulfilling your ambition in life.   I have written quite forcefully about your overall grade being very meritorious because I was worried that if, by chance, it fell short of the cutoff, the tough conditions in Kenya should at least speak strongly in your favor.   However, I would like to make a few suggestions. 1. I have mentioned a few electives that I thought may best suit you [you have to impress upon the panel that you are very focused in what you want and cannot be general all the time]. . Now, you go through this very carefully and use your discretion to include or eliminate the names [as you think fit]. You will be able to get an idea if you read the brochure of the schools, and the electives offered. However, see that it coordinates with the general theme and tone of the essay. If something of your aptitude is more logical then you can include that also. Another suggestion would be that you do some home work on all that you have written before you attend your interview [if there is a personal interview-] you must give very precise answers and nothing should be vague or generalized. That will give an unfavorable impression. I have just mentioned about the ‘tough’ days in campus-you may add the number of years-say—â€Å" 5/6/7/ years of   life in Boarding school and the five/four year period of Engineering   college’[yearsxxxx-yyyy]. As the question stresses on what this program would help you achieve, I have not highlighted your hobbies and other interests. [You did not have time or the facility to shine in any hobby of yours from what I could gather. There was no point in highlighting this in your essay.] However, you can make a discreet mention in your c.v. WISH YOU ALL THE BEST IN YOUR FUTURE ENDEAVOURS AND HOPE YOU GET ADMISSION IN THE SCHOOL OF YOUR CHOICE! Writer 7160.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Martin Luther King Jr. And Malcolm X Essays - Community Organizing

Martin Luther King Jr. And Malcolm X Essays - Community Organizing Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X grew up in different environments. King was raised in a comfortable middle-class family where education was stressed. On the other hand, Malcolm X came from and underprivileged home. He was a self-taught man who received little schooling and rose to greatness on his own intelligence and determination. Martin Luther King was born into a family whose name in Atlanta was well established. Despite segregation, Martin Luther King?s parents ensured that their child was secure and happy. Malcolm X was born on May 19, 1925 and was raised in a completely different atmosphere than King, an atmosphere of fear and anger where the seeds of bitterness were planted. The burning of his house by the Klu Klux Klan resulted in the murder of his father. His mother later suffered a nervous breakdown and his family split up. He was haunted by this early nightmare for most of his life. From then on, he was driven by hatred and a desire for revenge. The early backgrounds of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were largely responsible for the distinct different responses to American racism. Both men ultimately became towering icons of contemporary African-American culture and had a great influence on black Americans. However, King had a more positive attitude than Malcolm X, believing that through peaceful demonstrations and arguments, blacks will be able to someday achieve full equality with whites. Malcolm X?s despair about life was reflected in his angry, pessimistic belief that equality is impossible because whites have no moral conscience. King basically adopted on an equality philosophy, whereby he felt that blacks and whites should be united and live together in peace. Malcolm X, however, promoted nationalist and separatist doctrines. For most of his life, he believed that only through revolution and force could blacks attain their rightful place in society. Both X and King spread their message through powerful, hard-hitting speeches. Nevertheless, their intentions were delivered in different styles and purposes. "King was basically a peaceful leader who urged non-violence to his followers. He travelled about the country giving speeches that inspired black and white listeners to work together for racial harmony." (pg. 135, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Freedom Movement) Malcolm X, for the most part, believed that non-violence and integration was a trick by the whites to keep blacks in their places. He was furious at white racism and encouraged his followers through his speeches to rise up and protest against their white enemies. After Malcolm X broke away from Elijah Mohammed, this change is reflected in his more moderate speeches. Malcolm X and Martin Luther King?s childhoods had powerful influences on the men and their speeches. Malcolm X was brought up in an atmosphere of violence. During his childhood, Malcolm X suffered not only from abuse by whites, but also from domestic violence. His father beat his mother and both of them abused their children. His mother was forced to raise eight children during the depression. After his mother had a mental breakdown, the children were all placed in foster homes. Malcolm X?s resentment was increased as he suffered through the ravages of integrated schooling. Although an intelligent student who shared the dream of being a lawyer with Martin Luther King, Malcolm X?s anger and disillusionment caused him to drop out of school. He started to use cocaine and set up a burglary ring to support his expensive habit. Malcolm X?s hostility and promotion of violence as a way of getting change was well established in his childhood. Martin Luther King lived in an entirely different environment. He was a smart student and skipped two grades before entering an ivy league college at only the age of 15. He was the class valedictorian with an A average. King paraded his graduation present in a new green Chevrolet before his fellow graduates. He was raised in the perfect environment where dreams and love were generated. King and X?s childhoods are "a study in polarity." (pg. 254, Reflecting Black) Whereas, Malcolm X was raised in nightmarish conditions. King?s home was almost dream-like. He was raised in a comfortable middle-class home where strong values natured

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

10 Facts About Africa

10 Facts About Africa Africa is an amazing continent. From its start as the heart of humanity, it is now home to more than a billion people. It has jungles and desert and even a glacier. It extends into all four hemispheres. It is a place of superlatives. Find out more from these 10 essential facts about the continent: 1) The East African Rift zone, which divides the Somalian and Nubian tectonic plates, is the location of several important discoveries of human ancestors by anthropologists. The active spreading rift valley is thought to be the heartland of humanity, where much human evolution likely took place millions of years ago. The discovery of the partial skeleton of Lucy in 1974 in Ethiopia sparked major research in the region. 2) If you divide the planet into seven continents, then Africa is the worlds second largest continent, covering about 11,677,239 square miles (30,244,049 square km). 3) Africa is located to the south of Europe and southwest of Asia. It is connected to Asia via the Sinai Peninsula in northeastern Egypt. The peninsula itself is usually considered part of Asia, with the Suez Canal and the Gulf of Suez as the dividing line between Asia and Africa. African countries are usually divided into two world regions. The countries of northern Africa, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, are usually considered part of a region called North Africa and the Middle East, while countries south of the northernmost countries of Africa are usually considered part of the region called Sub-Saharan Africa. In the Gulf of Guinea off the coast of western Africa lies the intersection of the equator and the Prime Meridian. As the Prime Meridian is an artificial line, this point has no true significance. 4) Africa is also the second most populous continent on Earth, with about 1.256 billion people (2017). Africas population is growing faster than Asias population (4.5 billion), but Africa will not catch up to Asias population in the foreseeable future. For an example of Africas growth, Nigeria, currently, the worlds seventh most populous country on Earth, is expected to become the third most populous country by 2050. Africa is expected to grow to 2.5 billion people by 2050. Nine of the 10 highest total fertility rates on Earth are African countries, with Niger topping the list (6.49 births per woman as of 2017). 5) In addition to its high population growth rate, Africa also has the worlds lowest life expectancies. The average life expectancy for citizens of Africa is 61 years for males and 64 years for females, though its a little lower in some regions of Africa and higher in northern Africa (closer to the global average). The continent is home to the worlds highest rates of HIV/AIDS; more than two-thirds of all people infected are in Africa. Better treatment for HIV/AIDS is directly related to average life expectancy rising back to 1990 levels in southern Africa by 2020. 6) With the possible exceptions of Ethiopia and Liberia, all of Africa was colonized by non-African countries. The United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Germany, and Portugal all claimed to rule parts of Africa without the consent of the local population. In 1884–1885 the Berlin Conference was held among these powers to divide up the continent among the non-African powers. Over the following decades, and especially after World War II, African countries gradually regained their independence with the borders as established by the colonial powers. These borders, established without regard to local cultures, have caused numerous problems in Africa. Today, only a few islands and a very small territory on the Moroccan coast (which belongs to Spain) remain as territories of non-African countries. 7) With 196 independent countries on Earth, Africa is home to more than a quarter of these countries. There are 54 fully independent countries on mainland Africa and its surrounding islands. All 54 countries are members of the United Nations. Every country is a member of the African Union, including Morocco, which rejoined in 2017. 8) Africa is fairly non-urbanized. Only 43 percent of Africas population lives in urban areas. Africa is home to only a few megacities with a population greater than 10 million: Cairo, Egypt; Lagos, Nigeria; and Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Cairo and Lagos urban areas are around 20 million, and Kinshasa has about 13 million residents. 9) Mt. Kilimanjaro is the highest point in Africa. Located in Tanzania near the Kenyan border, this dormant volcano rises to an elevation of 19,341 feet (5,895 meters). Mt. Kilimanjaro is the location of Africas only glacier, although scientists predict that the ice on the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro will disappear by the 2030s due to global warming. 10) While the Sahara Desert is not the largest nor the driest desert on Earth, it is the most notable. The desert covers about 25 percent of the land of Africa.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The important elements of marketing plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The important elements of marketing plan - Essay Example Other important applications include informing the details of the company to the sales personnel, suppliers and others so that they become aware of company's goals and achievements. Feasibility study is an important phase in the development process. It enables the developer to have an assessment of the product being developed. It refers to the feasibility study of the product in terms of outcomes of the product, operational use and technical support required for implementing it. Economic Feasibility: It refers to the benefits or outcomes. We are deriving from the product as compared to the total cost we are spending for developing the product. If the benefits are more or less the same as the older system, then it is not feasible to develop the product. The development of the new product should greatly enhance the accuracy of the system and cuts short the delay in the processing of the product. The errors can be greatly reduced and at the same time providing great level of security. Hence, we do not need any additional equipment. Operational Feasibility: It refers to the feasibility of the product to be operational. Some products may work very well at design and implementation but may fall in the real time environment. It happens most of the time with feature films. It includes the study of additional human resources required and their technical expertise. Technical Feasibility: It refers to whether the product that is available in the market fully supports the present trend. It can be used to study the pros and cons of using particular kind of feature film for the development and it's feasibility. It also studies the additional training need to be given to the people to make the product work. A qualitative and quantitative research is must in developing an good feature film. Qualitative research is more of collecting data, conducting interviews, using documents and to understand and explain social phenomenon. Quantitative research involves is of development of natural sciences to study natural phenomenon. Survey methods, formal methods, econometrics, etc., are some of the examples of quantitative research. Qualitative research methods are more often used as it involves observation of data that helps in finding solutions to the problems. Qualitative research has been categorised into three categories named as positivist, interpretive and critical. Positivist research methods involves attempt to test theory that to understand the predictive element of the phenomena. It involves formal propositions, hypothesis testing, measuring of quantifiable variables, etc. In this type of research it is assumed that the objectives are given in reality and can be measured by their properties. Interpretive research method involves sharing of information and social constructions such as language. Interpretive method is used to understand the meaning of the given information that was assigned to the researchers. Critical research as the name implies concentrates more on the critical view of the subject. It highlights the critical viewpoint of the situation that has to be analysed. Implementation

Thursday, October 31, 2019

MHE503 Survey of Emergency and Disaster Mgt Module 1 SLP Essay

MHE503 Survey of Emergency and Disaster Mgt Module 1 SLP - Essay Example People had their own reasons as to why they chose to stay; no matter what, the clear matter to understand is the fact that they placed that reasoning way before the capability of escaping the dangers of staying in their area during the drastic occasions of the disasters. From the dates Oct 21, 1988 (Philippines) and Nov 19, 1988, the same storm visited both countries and as seen from the results of the disaster, the number of deaths in the Philippines mirrored with the number [3,902,424] compared to that of the deaths in Thailand during the same occurrence of disaster in Thailand killing only [664] makes a huge defining indication with regards the process of disaster response that both countries use. Particularly, the areas affected by the storm in the Philippines are of course higher in number. No matter, it could be observed that the willingness of the people to follow instructions from the government immediately makes a great difference in the rate of deaths on both countries. Floods and storms had been noted to be among the most common disasters in Thailand and the Philippines.2 It could be noted through this comparison though that the Philippines have an undeniable higher rate of deaths in connection with these disasters. Truthfully, the import ance of heeding warnings when given is an important factor to consider on the part of the civilians living in the areas affected by the disasters at a specific time. 3. Explain reasons for the differences in frequency and impact, citing academic journals or references. Besides the fact that the population of residents between Thailand and Philippines differ so much in number creates a great implication that the entire process of warning people might

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Personal Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Personal Development - Essay Example When I was ten years old, I would destroy my toys in order to get wires out of them, then join them together, connect them via bulbs and small machines to the circuit to see what happened. I have been sponsored by the Qatar Petroleum Company. I will be henceforth working with them. they have sponsored me because I fared well in most of my high school grades. I was one of the top graders in my school. This gave my application an edge over the applications of my peers. I was one of the top 3 students of my high school. At the creative level, I am very good on creativity. For instance when I was young, I exercised my creativity by connecting a battery to the correct direction. Then I realized that the small machine is only connected to the circuit in a certain way. When I would change the poles side connected to the circuit, the machine would spin in the other direction.  . And when I change the poles side connected to the circuit, the machine spins in the other direction. I am also c o-operative and I like teamwork. I joined the school mathematics team in the high school and competed in different competitions like the mathematics Olympics which were held in my school and we won most of them. I also joined the school football team in the high school. I am interested in football, poetry, swimming and surfing the internet in my spare time. My parents trusted me when I was fourteen to look after my young brothers and to take care of them for six months I will join different sports such as football and swimming teams. And I will also join clubs and I will participate in different activities. SELF-ASSESSMENT And Motivation factor: The Portfolio I am presenting exhibits hours of self-assessment and reports. The purpose of this portfolio is to emphasize my strengths, skills and competencies. I am a committed, hardworking individual who is able to work effectively in a team; in addition I have strong communication skills and confidence. I can also demonstrate advanced pr oblem solving skills that will help me a lot in financial advising, my drive and ambition ensure I will be a valuable addition in any company. I like to take the approach that I am my own company. I think I am proud of my skills and my ability to counteract any negatives by offering a solution in difficult situations. This means turning those negatives into positives. My time management skills and other skills like, Communications (listening, reading, speaking and writing), Mathematics and Analytical Ability, Career Exploration, Teamwork/Leadership is excellent and I am organized and efficient. I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule. I am a learner and I belief that if I am not familiar with something I am always keen to learn and implement it if given an opportunity. I am always been motivated by the desire to do a good job at whatever position I am in. I enjoy traveling to explore different working culture with new staff with different background, and I am always ready to face new kind of situation. I am always to keen to learn about different things and adventures. I want to excel to be successful in my job, both for my own personal satisfaction and for my employer. Not only I want to mature with contact to the intricacies of business and cultural management tasks, but I also intend to contribute significantly in increasing the landscape of my organization. MY GOALS, Work Philosophy and My SWOT: Goal setting is important for everyone to reach their Dreams

Sunday, October 27, 2019

State The Meaning Of Psalm 23 By Exegesis Religion Essay

State The Meaning Of Psalm 23 By Exegesis Religion Essay The aim of this assignment is to state the meaning of Psalm 23 by exegesis and analysing it. Exegesis comes from a Greek word that means to guide out, It is the process of going to the text to determine what it means, and to draw out the correct interpretation.  [1]   Shepherd The psalm is poetry and is transformed into simple metaphors employing that it is God who is the shepherd. The metaphor of the Shepherd in found in verse 1 of the psalm, the Lord is my Shepherd. King David of Israel is said to have written at least half of the psalms within the book of the Old Testament as well as this one.  [2]  David found it appropriate to write this psalm because he was a shepherd, and describes his work as a shepherd protecting caring and delivering the sheep from all form of attack. In addition to this David relates the work of the shepherd to the work of God (1.Sam 17: 34-37). The Hebrew word for shepherding is translated feeding. Sheep are completely dependent on the shepherd for provision, guidance, and protection. The shepherd takes care of the sheep, he even carried weak lambs in their arms (Isa.40:11) they led the sheeps to pasture and water protecting them from wild animals and dangerous places. They also guard their flocks at night whether in the open (Luke 2:8) or in sheepfolds.  [3]  Shepherds come to designate not only a person who herded sheep but also kings (2 Sam. 5:2). Later Israel prophets referred to Israels leaders as shepherds. Some New Testament references used a shepherd and the sheep to illustrate Christs relationship to His followers who referred to Him as the great Shepherd of the sheep (Heb.13:20). Jesus also spoke of himself as the good shepherd who knew His sheep and would lay down His life for them (John 10:7-18). Verse 1- 4 The opening of the first four verses establishes the dominant theme for the psalm as a whole and contains a metaphor; where by in verse one the Lord is called Shepherd and the Psalmist is a sheep belonging to His flock. The psalmist used a simple language for the use of the shepherd metaphor, which can be understood by all living in a world where land was dotted with sheep and shepherds. The distinctiveness in the opening words of this psalm lies in the use of the pronoun, my shepherd which gives a personal association with the shepherd. The fact that the Lord is his shepherd the psalmist can say I shall not wan, here the psalmist is saying as long as the Lord is my shepherd I shall lack for nothing, this recall Gods provision for His people during their forty years travelling through the wilderness as Moses stated in (Deut. 2:7), you have lacked nothing. In verse two the psalmist paints a scene of abundant life in three descriptive statements each speaking of the shepherd in the third person and employing and imperfect verb form. All three images emphasize the shepherds role as provider. First of all the psalmist says, He makes me lie down in green pastures, secondly He leads me beside still waters. The palmist speaks in confidence of the Lords guidance and provision. As the shepherd leads his sheep in pleasant places full of all the necessities of life, green pastures of grass experiencing plenty, quiet peaceful stream which provides water for drinking. Grass and water are the sheeps source of life, and the shepherd knows how to find them both and leads the hungry, thirsty sheep to them. Within verse three he writes, He restores my soul He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His names sake. He chooses the right paths that are right with him, making sense to him. In this He acts for His names sake, in accordance with His revealed character. Paths of righteousness take on the meaning of a way of life fulfil Gods expectation for his follower. The sheep are not left to their own devices but are led by the shepherd to take the right path, that is the one that gets the sheep where he need to go. The shepherd (God) acts in a way that reveal and confirms his character and nature. To have a name is to bear a good reputation, the shepherd (God) acts to benefit of the sheep, in a way that is consistent with the nature His name reveals. In verse four the palmist says, Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Here the psalmist moves to a description of fearful threat he purposefully emphasise the danger and threat that confront the flock. Shadow of death is really deepest darkness which includes the darkness of death, but in these experiences the he of (v1-3) becomes the you, significant of closer person touch, and the leader (v2) comes alongside (with me). The darker the shadow the closer the Lord! The psalmists confidence rests in the fact even in the shadow of death itself, he need fear no evil, confidence is found in Gods protection described in the metaphor as the shepherds rod and staff. The rod possibly signifies protection; and the staff, possibly support. According to Craigie the Palestinian shepherd normally carried two implements, a cub or rod to fend of wild beasts and a crook or staff to guide and con trol sheep.  [4]  Despite the oppressive and threatening setting the psalmist sheep is unafraid. The psalmist reasons for fear fade in the presence of the shepherd (God). Verse 5 6 From verse five the metaphor changes to that of a host and his guest, the role of the shepherd no longer dominates. God is no longer seen as a shepherd but assumes the role as a host, preparing a table with food and drink, and anointing the head of the visitor. The psalmist is no longer a sheep but a person; who is honoured by God in the presence of the enemy.  [5]  The picture is one of the realisations of ultimate communion with God. Verse five says, You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, You anoint my head with oil my cup overflows. The word table continues the metaphor and is to be understood as God spreading a table, a banquet celebrating Gods provision and protection. One can assume from this that the psalmist had endured affliction in the past at the hand of enemies and had risen above the affliction in confidence, and as he anticipates the future, he has no illusions; there would still be enemies, but Gods provisions would come even in the present of those enemies. The anointing of the head with oil is the custom of hospitality by a gracious host or to an anointed king; in (Luke 7:44-46) Simons failure not to do so was recognised as a deliberate insult to Jesus; the overflowing cup which the psalmist drank from is a symbol of the hosts generosity. To sit at Gods table is to enjoy fellowship and communion with Him, and to do so in the presence of your enemies is to have a special relati onship with Him, receiving blessings and protection under His care while the enemy looks on, powerless to do you harm. The psalm gives closure in verse six as the psalmist says, Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. This goodness and love will continue as long as life last and beyond. The psalmist looks forward in confidence to dwelling in the house of God for ever. In regard to the house of the Lord (the temple), this places the psalm in the context of worship, it gives an example of a hyperbole which is an exaggeration to make a point, the psalmist is not going to move into the temple to live the rest of his days. He means that he will spend the rest of his days in the presence of God in worship and praise remaining always in His caring and effective presence. To dwell with God is an image of eternal security and ongoing relationship. God offer the hope necessary to sustain through rough times, remembrance of the past and anticipation of the future, provides the necessity to bind the two halves of psalm 23 together. Conclusion The psalmist expression is one of confidence dependence and trust. God is presented not only as a shepherd who guides, protects, and leads you of the right path, but also as host who provides in the mist of life. In verse 2-3 he shows the shepherd leading his sheep into abundant life, verse 4 shows show the shepherd providing for His sheep with secure life. Verse 5 shifts and the shepherd shows God blessing on the trusting faithful, verse 6 ends with the expression of confidence. As the Lord is the good shepherd, so we are his sheep, not frightened, passive animals, but obedient followers, wise enough to follow one who will lead us in the right place and in the right way. This psalm does not focus on the animal-like qualities of sheep but on the discipleship qualities of those who follow. When you recognise the good shepherd, follow him! The psalm inspired us, comfort us, correct us and God is seen as a caring shepherd, and a dependable guide and host.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Declaration of Independence :: essays research papers

The Declaration Of Independence   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Declaration of Independence includes four parts. The first part is the Preamble, which explains why the Continental Congress drew up the Declaration. They felt their reason should be explained to England. The Purpose of Government is to Protect Basic Rights   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This section is about the basic unalienable rights that every human should have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are some of the rights that are talked about in this section. It also talks about how some people have the right to overthrow an unjust government. It states that government should not be changed for light or unimportant reasons. An example of just reason would be if a government was destructive in any way. Another reason would be if a government took away our basic rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Wrongs Done By The King   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the third section of the Declaration Of Independence states all the wrongs the people thought the king of England did to them. The colonists thought the king was treating them unfairly. For example he refused to approve laws that would help the colonists. He also made them pay taxes without their consent along with forbidding trade with other countries. They tried to talk to the king about their complaints but he ignored them. All of this made the colonists very angry. In this section the colonists write that they have had it with Britain’s Tyranny Rule. Declaration Of Independence   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the fourth and last section of the Declaration Of Independence.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Costs and benefits of the migration Essay

The costs are highly experienced in the developing countries than the developed countries. The migration of the practitioners leaves the medical system being completely inadequate to carry out its mandate on top of the many other problems such institutions already faces. Therefore, the first major cost faced due to the migration is the lack of the institutions to provide the required medical care to the citizens. This becomes worse when it is not possible for the institutions to replace the manpower lost. This means that those left behind to work in the institutions will have to be overworked while still being paid the little amount they used to receive. The more the employees are strained, the more they are pushed to look for better working conditions elsewhere making the situation worse (Stewart, Clark & Clark, para 11). The other cost comes in form of the investment that has been used in the training of the practitioners who migrate. Most of the developing countries subsidize or entirely sponsors the training of these practitioners. It thus implies that the investment the government puts in such personnel is lost when they migrate to the developed countries. The major benefits that this migration brings can be categorized into the remittances that the practitioners send to their home countries, and the skills they get due to the exposure. The amount sent home is more important in improving the economic life of those left behind and the nation as a whole. This remittance plays a significant role in the practitioner’s country of origin’s economy in form of foreign funds. This has made some countries like the Philippines to train more nurses and sent them to practice in developed countries and thus contribute to the Gross National Product growth (Tujan, para 15). Most of the developing countries do not have enough medical facilities. Therefore, when the practitioners moves temporarily to the developed countries, they get to be exposed at high levels of technology which makes them have improved skills that will plays a significant role in developing the medical system in their home country when they go back. This implies that the country of origin might save a lot in terms of what could have been spent in specialized training or higher education for the practitioners. The major problem with this however is that, many of the practitioners do not return home, and when they do, they have retired hence not productive. In the developed countries In the country of origin, the migration causes a lot of costs than the benefits. However, on the receiving countries, the benefits accrued are higher than the costs incurred. The issue of recruitment within any organization is usually a costly affair. Recruitment of the immigrants is thus more costly than local recruitment. This can force the organization and the government to pass the extra costs to the consumers increasing the cost of living in the society. The cost can also be experienced in the course of resettlement of the immigrants (Stilwell et al, para 7). There are some instances in which the immigrants are willing to take up some policies set by a government more than the local practitioners. For instance, working in form of contracts or part-time. Many of the locals do not agree with this, hence when the immigrants seem to agree with such a policy, they are usually recruited in favor of the locals, and this will generally affect the wages of the local practitioners, which will further go down affecting the tax bracket of the receiving country. In a case where the locals see that they are competing with the immigrants, there can be low morale and reduced commitment in the working. This might be looked at in the micro economic level as affecting only the firm; however, the macro-economic effect has to be put in consideration. The most important benefit of the professionals inflow from the developing to the developed countries is experienced when there is no shortage of the practitioners. This means there shall be improved provision of health care services. The local practitioners in developed countries mostly would need to be paid higher remunerations as compared to the immigrants. Therefore, if the immigrants are employed, it means they shall provide medication at a cheaper rate which will go down reducing the cost that could be passed to the consumer. On the other hand, the government will benefit from the taxes that will be collected from the foreign practitioners (Crush, pp 7). Conclusion Both countries have some benefits and costs they get when the professionals migrate. However, as argued, most of developing countries get more costs than the benefits from these acts. It is thus important that the concerned stakeholders should come up with policies that would see ethical migration between the receiving and sending country so that no country benefits at the expense of another. Work Cited Crush J. The Global Raiders: Nationalism, Globalization and the South African Brain Drain, 2002. Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 56, Issue 1, pp 4-7. Kapur D & Mchale J. Should a Cosmopolitan Worry about the â€Å"Brain Drain†? 2006, Journal of Ethics & International Affairs, Vol. 20, Issue 3, pp 11-15. Stewart J, Clark D & Clark P F. Migration and Recruitment of Healthcare Professionals: Causes, Consequences and Policy Responses, 2007. Retrieved on October 28, 2008 from http://www. focus-migration. de/The_Migration_and_Re. 2496. 0. html? &L=1. Stilwell B, Diallo K, Zurn P, Dal Poz M R, Adams O & Buchan J. Developing evidence-based ethical policies on the migration of health workers: conceptual and practical challenges, 2003. Journal of Human Resources for Health, Retrieved on October 28, 2008 from http://www. human-resources-health. com/content/1/1/8. Tujan A. Health Professionals Migration and its Impact on the Philippines, Journal of Asia Pacific Research Network, 2002. vol. 6, Issue 1. Retrieved on October 28, 2008 from http://www. aprnet. org/index. php? a=show&c=Volume%206%20March%202002&t=journals&i=5.